Latinica / Ćirilica

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Belgrade - Step by step

The outer beauty of Belgrade, great indeed, has not been spotlighted enough, yet it has been known of for ages; a town of high - rising skyline, Belgrade is beautiful for the beauty of its upright positure, its emergence on a hill, its straddle over waters. Approaching it, no matter where from, one shall spot its skyline, powerfull and sharp..
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Detaljne informacije o knjizi:

Autor: Zoran Radovanov
ŽanrGeografija, turizam, putovanja
Izdavač: Bečkerek
Br. strana:41
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Belgrade - Step by step

The outer beauty of Belgrade, great indeed, has not been spotlighted enough, yet it has been known of for ages; a town of high - rising skyline, Belgrade is beautiful for the beauty of its upright positure, its emergence on a hill, its straddle over waters. Approaching it, no matter where from, one shall spot its skyline, powerfull and sharp..

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